Three juveniles, including 13-year-old, arrested for armed burglary

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Indian River County deputies apprehended three juveniles for suspicion of burglarizing a home while in possession of a firearm, according to a Sheriff’s press release.

Deputies responded to the scene of a burglary in the 4600 block of 47th Court May 13 at 8 p.m. While on scene, deputies heard voices in the wooded area behind the victim’s home.

Authorities followed a short path and located three teens as well as the stolen property, which had been reported by the victim, including a television, jewelry, an iPad, and a cellular phone, according to the press release.

The three youth, two of whom were later determined to be 15 and 13 years of age, ran upon seeing deputies and ignored orders to stop.

They were all apprehended in less than a minute as there were two deputies and a supervisor on scene and each ran after one of the suspects. When the 13-year-old was searched, he was found to have a .22 caliber handgun in the waistband of his pants, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

All were of Vero Beach and were arrested and charged with armed burglary of a dwelling, grand theft, and resisting an officer without violence. Additionally, one youth was charged with carrying a concealed firearm.

All were booked into the county jail and turned over to the Department of Youth Services.

Due to the ages of the teens and the nature of their charges, is declining to identify the youth.

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