INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A woman was robbed at gunpoint in the Indian River Mall parking lot Tuesday night by two males, the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office said.
The woman had just left the mall shortly before 9 p.m. and was walking to her vehicle near the main entrance between Sears and J.C. Penney when two black males approached her. At least one of the males showed a gun, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
The suspects took the woman’s purse and some of her jewelry. She was shaken, the Sheriff’s Office said, but otherwise uninjured.
The Sheriff’s Office K-9 unit was called to the scene and the suspects’ trail was tracked to the Big Lots parking lot along State Road 60. The trail was lost, leading authorities to believe the suspects got into a vehicle.
The woman described the suspect with a gun as being medium build and approximately 25 years old. He was possibly wearing a dark ball cap and a white T-shirt. She could not describe the clothes of the second suspect.
The Sheriff’s Office is reviewing video surveillance from area stores to try to identify the suspects and the vehicle they might have fled in.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Section at (772) 978-6124. Those wishing to remain anonymous and be eligible for a reward up to $1,000, can provide information through Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers at 1-800-273-8477 or www.tcwatch.org. Refer to Indian River County Sheriff’s Office case number 2013-71686.