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Vero Beach cyclists working to find more off-road routes

VERO BEACH — Forrest Kutyna has been living in Vero Beach for a few months, but the mountain biker inside of him is already itching to stretch his legs on a new trail. Without a single designated mountain biking trail and limited safe space for road cyclists, navigating a bicycle through Vero Beach can be more than tricky.

“The truth is, there is a lot of cycling going on in Vero Beach,” said Shayne Williams, store manager of Alan’s Bicycle Center. “There is a huge need for more trails and paths to ride.”

Williams said that patrons ask him about local trails and riding options on a regular basis. Kutyna and Williams agreed that A1A is one of the more common paved areas for cyclists on road bikes. The route goes both north and south bound and is known for being fairly flat and smooth. Though it runs parallel to and very near the ocean, the path cannot boast much of an ocean view.

As another option, the Historic Jungle Trail offers a near 8 miles of motor vehicle-free riding space along a dirt packed road. This trail is considered a decently easy ride by both Williams and Kutyna. It is shaded and provides more of a scenic route than other cycling options in Vero Beach.

Though designated trails and paths are few and far between, bicycles are considered a legal vehicle on the road, according to Florida state law. As Jason Hawk of Orchid Island Bikes and Kayaks explained it, “bicycles must behave the way a car does when on the road.”

Hawk also advises his rental patrons to “ride as if the cars can’t see you,” in order to take extra safety precautions.

“It is always nice to see that almost any time a road is redone in Vero, a bicycle path is added,” said Hawk. “Trails for off-road cycling is what is missing the most here.”

Travelers to Vero Beach will find that Orchid Island Bikes and Kayaks is the lone destination for bicycle rental in the area. Tourists and locals alike are invited to participate in an organized ride that begins every Saturday morning at 7 a.m., leaving from Panera Bread on Indian River Boulevard. All ages and levels of experience are welcome.

Williams said he hoped to be a part of starting a club in Vero Beach for cycling enthusiasts that could bring more awareness to the city and county about the need for more trail and path options. He said he believed a strong group of persistent voices could be the motivation that the county needs in order to take action.

Kutyna said one benefit the city could experience with the installation of more paths would be more active tourists in the town.

“When my friends and I go to a town to ride our mountain bikes, we are spending money at local restaurants, shopping at local sores and supporting the local economy,” Kutyna said.

As active cyclists themselves, Williams and Kutyna are both passionate about seeing the city of Vero Beach become more cyclist friendly. They are dedicated to bringing awareness about the cycling community to the city and the county until positive changes are made, even if it does take time.

The next major cycling related event taking place in Vero Beach will be the LLS Conquistadores Triathlon on May 19. Hawk said Orchid Island Bikes and Kayaks will be present to support the cause raising funds to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Association and to raise awareness about blood cancers. The triathlon begins at 7:30 a.m. at Jaycee Park.

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