FELLSMERE — North County Metal Recyclers will be allowed to have limited outdoor storage of their recycling materials the Fellsmere City Council agreed Thursday night. But the owners were warned that it’s a “short step” from turning a recycling center into a salvage or junk yard, neither of which are permitted in the city.
“They’ve been pretty good tenants in the city,” said Community Development Director Mark Mathes, who recommended a conditional use permit that would allow the outdoor storage.
In exchange for the consideration, North County Metal Recyclers will be required to unify the titles of the multiple properties that make up the recycling facility. The company will also have to modify its landscaping and screening and abide by set hours in running its can-crushing machinery.
The city stepped in when the company installed a weigh station and scales for the purposes of weighing recycling materials being hauled onto the site. The additions to the property violated city code.
To remedy the situation, city staff recommended the conditional use permit to address the various issues with the site and facility.
“It’s a good thing,” Mathes said of going through the process, explaining that both parties benefit.
Under the terms of the permit, North County Metal Recyclers will not have to undertake massive site improvements to become compliant with city codes – some of which would have required more landscaping and buffers.
“We don’t try to overburden our small businesses,” Mathes said. He explained that if at some point the owners did take on a major redevelopment, then other improvements might become a requirement.
“I was concerned when I first heard this,” said Councilwoman Sara Savage. “Oh Lord, that’s all we need is a junkyard.”
Savage added that she believes the owners have done well with the site and the business and is no longer concerned.
“It’s very nice,” Councilman Joel Tyson agreed. “It’s clean.”
The Fellsmere City Council voted 5-0 in favor of granting the conditional use permit.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the matter during the public hearing.