INDIAN RIVER SHORES — The new Indian River Shores town manager will be police chief Rob Stabe, according to Richard Jefferson, who retires as town manager and building inspector May 15 and moves to Cape Cod with new bride Kathy Valentine a few days later.
“Of course the appointment of Robbie Stabe requires the approval of the town council, but I think we can expect that,” said Jefferson.
“It’s not official,” said Stabe, who has been with the Shores police department 23 years, “but I have been offered the job and accepted.”
Jefferson, who served as Shores town manager for $14,000 a year and as building inspector for $130,000 a year, said Stabe will remain police chief and will make $130,000 a year for performing both jobs.
Stabe was promoted from captain in the Shores police department to police chief almost a year ago.
Thirteen months after that promotion, he’ll move into the top position in the community.
“I’m excited,” said Stabe. “It’s a neat challenge.”
Taking Jefferson’s place as Shores building inspector will be Indian River County building inspector Jose Guanch, who will receive a salary of $95,000 a year.
Guanch gives up heading the county building department with 15 employees under him to taking a position heading a department with two employees.
But the barrier island resident will be making more money as Shores building official because, as he puts it, “I’m it – doing almost everything.”
Guanch who has worked for the county building department for almost 11 years and who has been the chief for almost three, will begin his new job with the Shores on June 2.