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Old Vero site planned dig

VERO BEACH — At 7 p.m. on Friday, April 12, the Old Vero Ice Age Sites Committee will present the renowned archaeologist Dr. James M. Adovasio who will discuss the upcoming excavation of the “Old Vero Site,” a historically rich archaeological site located near the Vero Beach airport.

Dr. Adovasio’s presentation, “Dig Old Vero: Challenges and Possibilities,” will describe how this site will be reexamined to answer a number of questions, including: why is the site important to archaeological science, what can this site add to theories of immigration and ancient life in Florida, and what are the challenges of excavating this unique place?

From his perspective as director of the Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, Adovasio will describe the latest methods in modern scientific excavations for which his organization is both famous and admired.

In addition, Adovasio will introduce us to his colleague, Dr. C. Andrew Hemmings, who will lead the Vero Beach excavation team.

A special bonus is available for our audience. A display of Florida archaeological treasures, including many fossils found in our region, will be exhibited in The Emerson Center’s lobby starting at 6 p.m.

The event benefits the Old Vero Ice Age Sites Committee (OVIASC,) a volunteer organization that is coordinating and funding the dig. You can read more about the archaeological significance of Vero Beach by visiting their website at []

Tickets for this event cost $20 ($5 for students) and are available from the Emerson Center’s Box Office at (772) 778-5249.

Hope to see you on April 12.

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