INDIAN RIVER SHORES — Two John’s Island candidates – Tom Slater and Brian Barefoot – along with incumbent Jerry Weick were elected Tuesday night to fill three available seats on the Indian River Shores Town Council. Incumbent Mike Ochsner was defeated, along with John’s Island candidate Chuck Wurmstedt.
Slater, who spent the least on his campaign ($45) received the most votes: 998. Barefoot, who spent the most on his campaign ($3,556) received 994 votes. Weick, who spent $418 campaigning, received 375 votes.
Incumbent Mike Ochsner, who lost, received 338 votes and John’s Island candidate Chuck Wurmstedt garnered one more vote than Ochsner.
Issues in the campaign ranged from whether the town should have a cell phone tower for better connectivity for residents, to what to do about retiree monthly pensions to whether the age of the candidates mattered.
The three winners all wanted a cell phone tower for residents, but were sensitive to concerns that it not be placed in an area that upset residents. Wurmstedt agreed with them, but Ochsner thought a cell phone tower for residents personal calls was not necessary, as long as cell boosters in police cars worked.
Barefoot, retired president of Babson College in Wellesley, Ma. said he believes his extensive business knowledge — as president of a top business school and also as an insurance executive — will help the town make wiser financial decisions in the future.
Slater, a retired Cleveland CEO, said he thought he could contribute to the council because of his strong belief in being informed and thoughtful, as opposed to “cramming decisions down people’s throats.”
Weick, a retired New York educator and vice mayor, said he hoped to keep doing what he has been doing — helping the town deliver excellent services while controlling spending.
Wurmstedt said he is naturally disappointed not to have been elected but thinks the town will continue to run well. “My greatest concern is that those three retired people be treated fairly with their retirement benefits, along with current employee,” he said.
As for Ochsner, he thinks the town will continue to be well run.
“But someone will have to get up to speed on beach restoration and sand replacement, which was one of my specialties.”
The two new council members and the re-elected incumbent will be sworn in at the Indian River Shores town hall Friday morning. Then, the following Thursday they will face the issue of retiree pensions, as well as the latest on a possible cell phone tower.