VERO BEACH — Congratulations to Savannah Geary who has dedicated countless hours of Christian commitment through serving as altar server at St. Helen Catholic Church for the past eight years.
Congratulations also to J.B. Egan for his support of the altar server program for the past 35 years.
In addition to serving as an altar server, Savannah participates in Youth on a Mission, works on the school’s Habitat for Humanity homes, and much more. Savannah, who is a graduate of St. Helen Catholic School, is also a proud member of the JCHS lacrosse team, History Club, Anchor Club, Drama Club (Co-President,) National Honor Society, Student Government Association, Alpha Peer Ministry Group, and the award-winning Envirothon Team, earning 1st at Regionals and 2nd in the State of Florida last year.
In addition to having the highest GPA in her senior class, Savannah is an Advanced Placement Scholar, member of the Duke Talent Identification Program, a Merit Scholar, Waldorf Scholar, and she earned the highest score in her class on the NEDT exam.
Savannah survived the unofficial “J.B. Egan Bootcamp” where Mr. Egan has been training students to serve at the church for 35 years. As the altar service coordinator, J.B. provides training one day per week for 40 minutes for 7-8 weeks for interested students in the 5th grade and higher.
Mr. Egan dedicates his time to organize the altar servers into teams, with five servers per team, encompassing seven masses.
“This program has been a real job over the years,” explained Mr. Egan, who is a former John Carroll High School Alumnus of the Year.
Mr. Egan was the valedictorian of St. Anastasia High School in 1957, which would later become Central Catholic High School, then John Carroll High School.
Congratulations again to Savannah and our other students who are proudly serving in our area churches and are dedicated to their Christian faith.
To learn more about the faith-based opportunities at John Carroll High School, please visit www.JohnCarrollHigh.com.