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Operation Hope helps hundreds of kids have merrier Christmas

FELLSMERE — Hundreds of children will have a merrier Christmas next week thanks to the community’s support of Operation Hope’s 13th Christmas Giveaway. They gathered early at Operation Hope in Fellsmere to bounce in the bounce house, get their faces painted and partake in sweet treats before lining up to get toys.

“The community really came out,” Operation Hope President Jesse Zermeno said, expressing his gratitude to those from Indian River County who donated toys for the event. “Thanks to them, the party is happening today.”

With just a few days left before Sunday’s annual event, Operation Hope had few toys for children ages 6 to 10 and even for infants. At the final count, the organization had 900 toys to give away, along with approximately 50 bicycles.

Along with the toys, families were sent home with food, donated by Publix and Walmart, along with SunAg, Hale Groves and Brevard County Pepsi.

“It’s a nice feeling,” Laura Exford said of coming out to Operation Hope to help spread some holiday cheer. She said that such an event helps to remind people that there is good in the world, despite the tragic event that took place in Newtown, Conn., on Friday.

“I think it’s a great thing for the kids, for the community,” she said of the Christmas Giveaway.

The skies were clear and blue right up until Zermeno began calling families to line up for the giveaway. The light breeze, which kept those gathered from feeling the full heat of the sun, brought in storm clouds that opened up as the first families collected their bags of toys.

Many gathered under the tents and overhangs of the buildings on the property before making the mad dash to their vehicles.

Chley Charles, of Fellsmere, brought her children to Operation Hope to get presents for under the Christmas tree. She said if not for event, her kids would not have as many gifts to unwrap.

Despite the change of weather, the Anderson family of Vero Lake Estates was enjoying the time outdoors.

“We’re here to have fun,” said Scott Anderson, who had his son, Lucas, and daughter, Melissa, in tow, along with his girlfriend, Jennifer, and her children, Hannah, Hunter and Tatum.

“It feels great,” he said of having such an organization that feels the call to help families in the area.

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