INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Exchange Club of Indian River named Halle Horn, senior at Indian River Charter High School, its first Student of the Quarter this year.
Mark Ashdown, chair of the club’s committee, presented the award to her at a recent meeting at Culinary Capers. Halle’s parents, Susan and Darrell C. Horn, and Liz Santiago, Charter High School Head of Guidance, accompanied her to the presentation.
Halle serves her school as president of both National Honor Society and the Spanish Competition Team, member of Model United Nations, Key Club, Peer Review Committee, and Honors Choir.
In 2011 and 2012, she received the Cub Citizenship Award, presented annually to the IRCHS student who exhibits outstanding character, leadership, citizenship, and community service.
She also excels academically, ranking fifth out of 168 seniors. She has been enrolled in honors classes throughout high school and dually enrolled at Indian River State College since she was a sophomore. She plans to attend college next year to pursue a business degree in marketing and communication.
An active member of her youth group at Community Church, she has participated in mission trips to four states. She has volunteered at Rosewood Magnet School since 2009 and received its Youth Volunteer of the Year Award in 2010. She works at Indian River Estates as a server.
Exchange Club of Indian River honors students at the Charter High School and also Vero Beach High School Performance-Based Program students every year. The club meets for lunch at Culinary Capers each Wednesday at Noon.
Meetings feature programs on a wide range of business, government and civic, charity, personal, and professional topics. The club has provided the community with programs in youth activities, service, and Americanism since 1979.
Through participation in its national mission, the Prevention of Child Abuse, the Exchange Club of Indian River’s Foundation supports a number of local youth-related projects.
Major fundraisers include the Annual Exchange Club Blue Water Open Dolphin Mania Charity Fishing Tournament each May. The club is also a partner in the upcoming Vero Beach Air Show to be held next October.
Further information about the club is available from Aaron Bowles, Exchange Club president, at (772) 569-0035 and at the club’s websites, www.ExchangeClubOfIndianRiver.org and www.BlueWaterOpen.org.
Persons interested in learning more about Exchange Club membership, working for the prevention of child abuse, or donating to the Foundation’s Child Abuse Prevention Fund may seek further information by emaiing [email protected] or from any member of the club.