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Riverside Theatre partners with United Way of Indian River County

VERO BEACH — A new partnership has formed between Riverside Theatre and the United Way of Indian River County.

If you’ve already been to the theatre this season, you may have been asked to donate a dollar per ticket to our local United Way. You may have noticed the United Way thermometer as you turned onto Riverside Park Dr., or maybe you saw the United Way banners in the lobby of the theatre.

These are all signs of a growing relationship between the theatre and the community it serves.

“Riverside Theatre is an important Vero Beach asset drawing people to this community. It is a quality organization that wants to be a leader in giving back,” said Michael Kint, CEO, United Way of Indian River County.

“We’re delighted to have formed this partnership and are looking forward to ways we can collaborate further for the good of those in need,” Kint added.

“We consider ourselves an integral part of this community and are committed to supporting United Way as they look to advance the common good,” explained Allen Cornell, Producing Artistic Director, Riverside Theatre.

“We fully trust United Way of Indian River County to make the most of the dollars raised by the generosity of our patrons,” Cornell said.

United Way of Indian River County, a locally governed and managed non-profit organization and one of 1,800 locally run United Way affiliates in 45 countries and territories, seeks to advance the common good in Indian River County in the areas of education, income, and health.

It is a leading supporter of front-line service providers using hundreds of volunteers annually to raise local dollars and invest those monies in programs and initiatives that will do the most to improve the quality of life for people in need.

Riverside Theatre, Inc. is committed to providing a total theatre arts experience that entertains, challenges, and educates both adults and children by; producing quality works from Broadway, Off-Broadway, and Regional Theatres with an emphasis on high production values; providing the youth of the community with a broad range of education opportunities that will cultivate tomorrow’s artist and audiences while building the skills of today; and providing a nurturing and collaborative environment for the artist, educators, and staff.

For more information, please visit or call (772) 231-6990.

United Way of Indian River County is encouraging people in the community to LIVE UNITED by giving to the annual campaign, helping spread the word about programs and services that help people in need, and volunteering their time and talent to a local cause.

For more information on how you can LIVE UNITED and help create a brighter future for those in need in our community, please call (772) 567-8900 or visit our website

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