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RCMA’s Mainster named “children’s champion”

ORLANDO – The longtime executive director of Redlands Christian Migrant Association received the annual Children’s Champion Award from the Florida Association for the Education of Young Children.

The winner, Barbara Mainster, is in her 25th year leading RCMA, which operates 71 child care centers and three charter schools for Florida’s rural low-income families.

“You have been the voice for many years to the legislature, asking for quality programs and adequate funding for programs,” the statewide association wrote in notifying Mainster of her award. “You have been the voice of the English language learners and children with special needs. Through your hard work, both populations have benefited.”

A New York native, Mainster moved to Florida 40 years ago to join RCMA. Under Mainster’s leadership, RCMA has grown from three child care centers in Homestead to a variety of operations in 21 counties.

The Florida Association for the Education of Young Children is the largest organization for early childhood professionals in Florida, with 3,500 members. Mainster received her award at the group’s annual Children’s Rally Luncheon, held for more than 200 members in Orlando.

FLAEYC is the Florida affiliate of the Washington-based National Association for the Education of Young Children, which is the accrediting body for many of RCMA’s child care centers.

“It’s really gratifying to be called a children’s champion,” Mainster said. “At its core, that’s what RCMA is.”

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