FELLSMERE — With a few days before Operation Hope’s 13th annual Thanksgiving Giveaway, the organization is finding itself in desperate need of turkeys. That’s because the organization thought it had 300 turkeys coming – but learned at the last minute that those turkeys won’t be coming after all.
“I’m very worried,” Operation Hope President Jesse Zermeno said of being able to help area families to have a brighter Thanksgiving than they would have otherwise.
He has made peace with the idea that just a fraction of the families that need it might get help.
“If I can help 100 families, that’s fine,” Zermeno said.
Zermeno has been busy placing phone calls to area businesses and organizations, asking them to pitch in with donated turkeys.
The American Legion in Sebastian has committed 16 turkeys to Zermeno’s cause, he said.
Pepsi, in Melbourne, has donated Pepsi products that will be packed up and sent home to those who are lucky enough to get a turkey during Saturday’s giveaway. Another company has pledged citrus fruit.
But more is needed. In years past, Operation Hope has given out hundreds of turkeys and chickens and boxes filled with other Thanksgiving trimmings, including boxed mashed potatoes, jars of gravy, cans of cranberry relish, and boxes of dressing.
Noting the expense of turkeys, Zermeno said that chickens – which are cheaper – would be greatly appreciated, as well.
Those seeking to help out can deliver turkeys, chickens and other foodstuffs to Operation Hope or one of three other businesses – the Sebastian Municipal Airport, the Indian River Mall Chick-fil-A, and the First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach.
Zermeno said he would know by 10:30 a.m. Saturday just how many families they will be able to serve and will have to cut the line off there. Distribution will begin at 1 p.m.
Operation Hope is located at 12285 County Road 512, Fellsmere, and can be contacted by calling (772) 571-0003.