Masked man robs Gold Buyers with gun

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A gunman raced out of the Gold Buyers outlet with a fist full of cash and jewelry at the Indian River Mall on Tuesday evening.

Armed robberies are rare not only at the mall, but elsewhere in Indian River County, said Thom Raulen, the public information officer for the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.

According to Raulen, the well-dressed man in khakis, a blue button-down shirt, a white undershirt and possibly a Boston Red Sox hat entered the store at a 7:46 p.m. His face was covered with a white bandana. Reports say the man then pointed a gun at an employee and raced off on foot with an undisclosed amount of cash and jewelry.

Sheriff’s deputies combed the area but were unable to find the man.

The suspect is described as a tall black man with a thin yet muscular build.

Anyone with information about identity of the suspect should contact Detective Kevin Heinig at 772-978-6121.

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