Friends of Emma raise money to fight cancer

VERO BEACH — Emma Stewart was an amazing artist, a prolific writer, and a good friend to many local children. Emma was a student at the Willow School, when, in the spring of 2011, she was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia.

With great spirit and determination, she fought the cancer for several months before her death on December 22. In addition to her family and many friends, she left a legacy of art and friendship on display last weekend. Clara Martin, who met Emma at Beachland Elementary School, when they were both in the first grade, coordinated

“Art for Emma,” a lemonade and “art made by kids” stand on Ocean Drive on a hot, sunny Sunday morning, the day before what would have been Emma’s 11th birthday.

“Emma was a really good artist,” said Martin, a Beachland fifth grader.

“We decided to sell art and lemonade to make people aware of leukemia. We thought maybe a person who donated money for the art would someday either be the person who could find the cure or could be helped by it.”

“Several of Emma’s friends have helped make art,” continued Martin, who wears a silver pendant of Emma‘s fingerprint. “But a lot of kids who didn’t even know Emma have been doing art, too. We’ve been having ‘get togethers’ at different peoples’ houses to do art. Lots of people are good at different things, so some people sewed, some painted, some made puzzles. “

A bevy of energetic children displayed their art in front of Twirl Children’s Boutique, where 20 percent of proceeds from jewelry sales were being donated, while others were walking through Humiston Park and along Ocean Drive, advertising the sale.

Twirl Owner Mary Lavin was impressed with the turnout. “The girls out front created such a buzz and told customers about us donating the proceeds, so it was a great day for them and a great day for us,” she said.

In addition to the lemonade and peach iced tea, a variety of artistic media was represented, including bottle cap charms, sock octopi, neck warmers, headbands, hair ties representing different local schools, string bracelets, key chains, painted bird houses, finger puppets, candles, bookmarks, oil paintings, and much more.

“I really think it goes back to Emma being a special person. She inspired these kids,” said Clara’s mother, Melissa Martin. “It’s empowering for the kids to do the art on their own, without grownups getting involved. They came up with the acronym, FOE, standing for “Friends of Emma,” but Clara pointed out they were FOEs of cancer.”

Emma’s parents, Ava and Mike Stewart, watched as people purchased art. Each donation put in the glass bowl in front of the store was met with a round of applause from the crowd.

“I’m so overwhelmed. It really affirms for me what great taste in friends my daughter had,” said Ava Stewart.

“Her spirit is right here with us.” Proceeds from the sale will benefit the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and the Candlelighters of Brevard, a nonprofit organization dedicated to children with cancer and their families by offering emotional support and financial assistance.

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