John Walsh joins SafeSpace for “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event

VERO BEACH —  One of the best known faces of crime fighting has joined SafeSpace for the 2012 “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event.

John Walsh, crime fighter, victim’s advocate, and host of America’s Most Wanted, will serve as the honorary chairman of the Vero Beach 2012 “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event slated for Oct. 27.

Walsh, whose son, Adam, was abducted from a Hollywood, Florida, mall and murdered in 1981, has helped law enforcement capture more than 1,100 dangerous fugitives and brought home more than 50 missing children.

“Let’s not forget that domestic violence is a crime, even if it’s committed by someone you and your family once loved,” Walsh said. “Each day in America, 1 in 4 women die as a result of domestic violence, and more than 60,000 need help from an agency like SafeSpace. I’m supporting SafeSpace in saying, ‘Violence is never an answer.’’’

“The Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event is an awareness march in which the community’s men wear 4-inch women’s red stilettos for a one-mile walk – a literal interpretation of the adage that true understanding comes only from walking a mile in another’s shoes.

It kicks off with a walk in Downtown Stuart on Saturday, Oct. 6, followed by a walk in St. Lucie County’s Tradition on Saturday, Oct. 13.

On Saturday, Oct. 27, walkers gather at Indian River Medical Center, guided by local co-chairs Donna Riordan and Indian River Chief Deputy Bud Spencer.

“John Walsh has been a tremendous friend and asset to law enforcement,” Spencer said. “We’re proud that he’ll be a part of ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.’ As a law enforcement professional, I can tell you that domestic violence is some of the worst crimes we deal with.”

On Thursday, Oct. 25, there will be a kick-off event at Cork and Tapas.

The walk takes place Saturday, Oct. 27., at 8:30 a.m. at Indian River Medical Center.

Cost to walk is a minimum $50 donation, which includes shoes, or $10 for students.

Please visit the website and sign up at

For more information, please call Tracy Levy at (772) 223-2399.

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