Council candidate’s husband is arrested at Downtown Friday

VERO BEACH — Shaking hands, kissing babies, posing for photos are what make politicians and their families likeable and memorable when it comes time to enter the voting booths.

But one man, the campaign treasurer and husband of a City Council candidate, surely made a different impression on many people over the weekend when he was arrested at Downtown Friday and hauled away in the back of a squad car.

Jason Kozdra, 40, was arrested on disorderly intoxication charges after Vero Beach police say he approached the band stage while performers were playing and began screaming obscenities at the group.

An officer said Kozdra reeked of alcohol, his eyes were bloodshot and his speech was slurred.

When the officer gave Kozdra a chance to leave the area without any problems, Kozdra, police say, began screaming obscenities and racial slurs at pedestrians along 14th Avenue.

Kozdra’s arrest on disorderly intoxication charges comes after a string of arrests and imprisonments both in Indian River County and Georgia.

Kozdra’s bond was set at $500.

That’s $434 more than what was left in his wife, Karen Kozdra’s campaign account as of the last filing on Sept. 21, at the city clerk’s office.

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