Oh Twitter, how you give us different ways to FUBAR our lives.
There is a reason I do not have personal accounts on my work computer. The same goes for why I have set my personal computer up to be more time consuming of a process to log on to work accounts.
There is one single act that haunts nightmares of people who work in social media and public relations, and whoever runs KitchenAIDUSA’s twitter feed has now experienced it in real life.
I, like many Americans, was watching the Presidential debate last night and posting on social media. Because of the fail safes I’ve set up I didn’t have to think twice about, “is this on a company feed?”
That can’t be said for the twitter account of @KitchenAIDUSA.
This happens time and time again. I’ve seen it in organizations I’ve worked with in the past.
Are people drinking when they are using social media? Maybe, but that’s still not an excuse that will save your job in the morning after the whole world reads your vindictive post about a sitting United States President.
Happy clicking,
Social Media News:
Presidential debate breaks record as most Tweeted about political event – http://goo.gl/9PTxn
KitchenAidUSA: Handling a Twitter Crisis – http://bit.ly/O7pF62
Facebook hits 1 billion users – http://on.today.com/PSIN5k
Google Launches Wallet for Web Content and Two Other Stories You Need to Know – http://on.mash.to/O7pLe1
Driving Hezbollah Off Social Media – http://bit.ly/Nayet3
Interesting Pins on Pinterest:
Ah, film, I think I still have a few rolls around the apartment from 2002 – http://bit.ly/O7rD6v
Awesome pumpkin carving idea – http://bit.ly/O7rIqO
Here’s a great idea for a construction worker/gardener or your friend that’s involved in Habitat for Humanity – http://bit.ly/O7rTSZ
Tasty: Beef Carnitas (made w/ flank steak) – http://bit.ly/O7rZdg
Good morning all! Just came outside and it’s not raining! I guess I will stop building the 2012 Falana Ark Hemi GT!(It was going to be fast)
Lady just stalled in front of our house. Dumb#$%. Listening to Police Radio and it’s nuts out there. You shouldn’t try to drive. Your car is not a boat.
I love how my Great Dane thinks he can “slip” in bed with me in the morning without waking me up. I’m such a sucker for those puppy dog eyes.
One week of man therapy in a tree! Oh yeah!!
I finally got a smart phone…does it rub off?
Interesting Pins on Pinterest:
Ah, film, I think I still have a few rolls around the apartment from 2002 – http://bit.ly/O7rD6v
Awesome pumpkin carving idea – http://bit.ly/O7rIqO
Here’s a great idea for a construction worker/gardener or your friend that’s involved in Habitat for Humanity – http://bit.ly/O7rTSZ
Tasty: Beef Carnitas (made w/ flank steak) – http://bit.ly/O7rZdg