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Courses offered on Women Exploring Sexuality After 50

VERO BEACH — They say, “You’re never too old to fall in love again.” Women over the age of 50 are learning that they can get that loving feeling again and they don’t need a pill to make it happen. Once considered taboo, sex in the golden years is no longer a hush-hush topic nor is it a fantasy. It does, however, mean different things to different people.

Instructor/facilitator, Claudia Jimenez, will begin the conversation with women over 50 with a series entitled, Other Shades of Grey: Women Exploring Sexuality After 50. The series will consist of four Thursday sessions, beginning Oct. 11 and continuing on Oct. 25, Nov. 1 & Nov. 15. Each session will be held at the Center for Spiritual Care in downtown Vero Beach from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

The cost is $20 per session or $75 for all four sessions.

Jimenez is AASECT certified (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists). She believes that sexuality is a positive, life affirming force that is often misunderstood because of society’s inability to discuss it in a healthy informed manner.

Jimenez teaches a comprehensive sexuality education program, Our Whole Lives or OWL, and has taught components of the OWL Program to teens and adults during the last 8 years.

The course will be limited to 12 participants and the first session will help to set the tone for the sessions that follow. Possible topics include but are not limited to: Sexuality Today; Sexuality: What’s spirituality got to do with it? Grandparents: Sexuality Educators Par Excellence; Discover the Sexual Self – from problems to possibilities; Sexual Decisions after 50 -What’s your opinion?

The Center for Spiritual care is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit corporation that was conceived 12 years ago as a place for calm reflection and deliberation where people can come together to explore new paths, heal their bodies and nourish their minds. The Center for Spiritual Care is located at 1550 24th Street in the downtown area of Vero Beach.

Other Shades of Grey is just one of many courses being offered by the Center for Spiritual Care this fall season.

For more information on this course or on other courses being offered at the Center, call Carol Ludwig at (772) 567-1233 or send an e-mail to

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