LETTER: Can the lawmakers fix the gambling laws?

It will be a serious breach of public responsibility for the law makers to ignore the gambling issues in the 2013 session.

The gamblers are being duped relentlessly by the shenanigans allowed by current Florida gambling law. This shameful practice would bring a smile to the face of the legendary con-man Soapy Smith.

Florida’s history reveals it has always allowed gambling, in some places, for some people. Colonel Bradley’s Beach Club, The Blind Pig, Caps Place, and hundreds of others, were a part of Florida’s long and colorful partnership with the gambling games.

In recent times, the State was forced to cry uncle in its battle with the Seminole Tribe. Inconsistent and shoddy gambling laws passed over the years; (an effort to protect a few private enterprises), helped the Seminoles prevail. After the U.S. Supreme Court pointed out the errors of their ways, the State partnered with their enemies; smoked the peace pipe; and took cut of the profits.

The practice of handing out sweetheart deals to the old favorites, so they can reap the mega profits gambling has to offer, needs to end. This back scratching process, served its purpose in the past, but times have changed.

Can the legislature re-write the gambling laws without favoritism, cronyism, back scratching and sweeteners? Can they construct fair and equitable laws and regulations? Call your bookie and get in on the early line; 55 to 1 against.


Terry Terril

Educator and Gambling Theorist

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