I’m so happy that my first child has been born, now I get to document her every move! Maybe not every move, wouldn’t want her to have an ego trip because she has her own personal photographer; on the ready with a camera on my hip for anything cute.
To new parents out there I would suggest smaller the better for a camera. I like the Canon Power Shot, it fits on my hip and holds a nice charge in the battery. Not that I’ve taken many videos, but it does that too like many other cameras.
Personally, I’m looking at her life as a photo story. I’ve even, in a mental storyboard, have her graduating high school then college (hopefully a nice career into an economy that doesn’t resemble this one.)
I’ve seen a lot of my friends photos of their kids and I am not a fan of the typical, but this is my first kid so I’m sure I’ll be taking the usual parent photos that you’ve seen a million times.
My favorite so far has been her tiny hand grabbing my finger.
I just had to smile when the volunteer at the hospital tried to have me fill out a form to have her portrait taken. I just told her it wasn’t needed.
Plus she was only two days old, I wouldn’t want strobes going off numerous times anyway, but that’s just me.
Megan is only a little over two weeks old now, so not too many photo varieties, except with the different friends and family holding her. But, the photo shoot goes on.