VERO BEACH — The field of candidates vying for three open spots on the Vero Beach City Council has mushroomed to seven.
Councilman Jay Kramer and home-town attorney, Nick Thomas both filled the paperwork to run for office on Friday. The deadline to apply was at 5 p.m.
Kramer and Thomas had earlier expressed reservations about running for the open seats saying they feared what would become of the city should it sell its electrical utility and lose mullions of dollars in revenue each year. Both are opposed to the sale.
In the race for the three seats, Kramer and Thomas will take on ardent supporters of the sale of Vero Electric to Florida Power& Light: Mayor Pilar Turner, Vice Mayor Craig Fletcher and island attorney and resident Dan Stump.
Rounding out the group vying for the open spots is perennial candidate Brian Heady and apparent newcomer to the local political scene Karen Kozdra.
Phone calls to Kozdra’s house on Thursday and Friday were not returned.