Sunshine Laundry Centers helps families take a load off

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Sunshine Laundry Centers is committed to improving the lives of area residents, including our homeless.

Through a cooperative and ongoing outreach with Breath of Heaven Ministries, The Source, and First Church of God, Sunshine Laundry Centers once again donated hundreds of dollars in laundry services to needy families and the area homeless on Wednesday, July 11.

“We were delighted to have such an amazing response to our offer of assistance. Over 40 families washed and dried countless loads of laundry. It seemed like a fishes and loaves phenomenon.

Sometimes the clients were standing 15 deep. Many are seeking gainful employment, and the first step to a successful interview is a clean, tidy appearance,” said Tom Rhodes, President of Sunshine Laundries.

Teenagers from the Youth Group of Pillar Community Church were on hand to help wash and fold clothes. Students gained a wonderfully enriching experience of looking into the eyes and interacting with the families they helped.

“The recipients expressed sincere gratitude for the opportunity to feel better about themselves and their future. The students felt so pleased to be able to ease the load for families facing difficulties. It was a truly heartwarming moment,” reflected Mr. Rhodes.

Sunshine Laundry selected this philanthropic effort after communicating with area non-profits about the unmet needs of our most impoverished residents.

Sunshine Laundry Centers operates in Indian River, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee counties with eight locations.

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