INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — For the first time in Indian River County, two local non-profit organizations with similar missions merged into one enhanced agency.
The Sun Up Center and Abilities Resource Center of Indian River County (ARC), both organizations of long standing that have served the developmentally and intellectually disabled in Indian River County, now operate as SunUp ARC, Inc.
At the City Council meeting held on June 19 at City Hall, the month of July was proclaimed “Non-Profit Organizations unite month.”
“Now, therefore, I, Pilar Turner, Mayor of the City of Vero Beach, Florida, do hereby proclaim the city’s support and endorsement of SunUp ARC, Inc., and be it further resolved that the month of July be proclaimed Non-Profit Organizations Unite Month, in honor of The Sun Up Center and ARC merging to become SunUp ARC.”
“The historic merger of Sun Up and ARC represents the dedication and forward thinking of their executives and board members as they plan to enhance the services available for their constituents.
They have led the way for other agencies who share a common interest and reached the goal of the City of Vero Beach’s designation of July, 2012, as Non Profit Organizations Unite Month,” stated Alma Lee Loy.
“While sitting in the audience, listening to Mayor Turner read the proclamation, I felt a quieting sense of pride, involvement, accomplishment, and commitment.
After months of meetings and memos, we have achieved something really important, and interestingly, chartered a pathway for other non-profits to consider,” explained Dick Pippert, SunUp ARC board member.
“How wonderful that two organizations with a shared purpose came together to provide the utmost in care and service to their clients and families. Kudos to both Boards of Directors in having the vision to realize that a collaborative approach will produce the positive results that both have worked so hard to achieve,” Ann Marie McCrystal added.
“We are so proud of this special recognition from the City Council. The merger of two organizations into SunUp ARC is proving to be a great benefit to our clients and to the community.
We are now able to better serve people with special needs who are truly our most helpless and vulnerable citizens, and we are helping to conserve the community’s limited financial resources. The merging of two like organizations may not work in every case, but it surely has worked in ours. I would urge others to consider it,” said Mary Beth Vallar, SunUp ARC Board of Directors chairperson.
SunUp ARC operates on three campuses, two in Vero Beach and one in Sebastian. Services include: Adult Day Training; Behavior Services including Behavior Analysis Services and Behavior Assistant Services; Residential Group Homes; Supported Living Services; In-Home Supports and Personal Care Assistance; Transportation; Supported Employment, and Respite Care.
A highly experienced staff of certified professionals provide care to individuals with the goal of enabling each person to reach his or her potential and to lead a rich and fulfilling life.
SunUp ARC also partners and/or charters with Special Equestrians, Special Olympics, Special Scouts, and the Parents Advocacy Group.
SunUp ARC is a Non-Profit, 501 (c) 3 agency dedicated to meeting the needs of people with developmental disabilities in Indian River County.
For information on SunUp ARC, please call (772) 562-6854, ext 219.
SunUp ARC is a United Way agency.