INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Senior Resource Association recently announced a challenge to the Indian River County community to take a ride on the GoLine to work, run errands, or just for the fun of it on Thursday, June 21, which is the seventh annual “National Dump the Pump Day.”
With the return of high gas prices, Senior Resource Association will join with other public transportation systems nationwide to participate in the nationwide celebration. The slogan of this year’s National Dump the Pump Day is “Dump the Pump. Save Money. Ride Transit.”
Sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), the 2012 National Dump the Pump Day is a day that encourages people to ride public transportation and save money, instead of driving a car.
Started in June 2006 when gas prices were $3 per gallon, this national day emphasizes that public transportation is a great travel option that also helps people save money.
“Since gas prices reached $4 or more this year, saving money is on everyone’s minds, and public transportation is the quickest way to beat high gas prices,” explained Karen B. Rose Deigl, President/CEO, Senior Resource Association, GoLine Indian River Transit.
“According to the latest APTA Transit Savings Report, a couple can save an average of more than $10k annually by downsizing to one car,” Diegl added.
In addition to the National Dump the Pump observance, Senior Resource Association is celebrating its 30th year in its role as the transit system operator for Indian River County and looks forward to celebrating service to over one million riders in one year during the month of June.
What began with a couple of buses providing scheduled door-to-door transportation via Community Coach has evolved to include GoLine, a public transit system with bus service on 15 fixed routes throughout the county and in Barefoot Bay.
Riders take GoLine buses to: work or school, medical appointments, grocery stores, the mall, the beach and dozens of other locations throughout the area.
Representing a 250-percent increase in riders since 2007, the fleet is now comprised of 61 buses.
In 2011, GoLine provided 978,861 trips running 15 routes, 6 days a week, and Community Coach provided 45,000 trips.
For information about GoLine routes that run throughout Indian River County, please visit the website at www.GoLineIRT.com.
In addition to operating the county’s transit system, Senior Resource Association provides recreational, cultural and educational programs for active older adults, assists seniors and their families in finding resources, and delivers quality, professional services that meet a senior’s individual needs.
The nonprofit organization is recognized as the lead agency in Indian River County for home and community based services for older adults.
For more information about Senior Resource Association or learn how to schedule a Community Coach trip, please visit the website at www.SeniorResourceAssociation.org.