INDIAN RIVER SHORES — Residents and elected officials lauded praise on six retiring town employees and wished new Indian River Shores Public Safety Chief Robert Stabe the best Thursday at town hall.
The swearing in ceremony and recognition of the retirements was well attended by town staff, family members and elected officials. Judge David Morgan officiated and Judge Joe Wild and State Attorney Bruce Colton and Chief Assistant State Attorney Tom Bakkedahl were also on hand to show their support for the town and for the Shores Public Safety Department.
Several residents stood up and shared stories and comments about the retiring employees, citing instances when they had gone above and beyond the call of duty.
Mayor Tom Cadden said of the department, “If you’re not number one, you’re in the top five in the state of Florida.”
Retirees who took four months’ pay as an incentive to depart:
Public Safety Director Bill Schauman, 25 years of service,
Public Safety Sergeant Lou Puchala, 23 years of service,
Public Safety Officer Chuck Justice, 27 years of service,
Public Safety Officer Mark Kubilus, 25 years of service,
Public Safety Captain Nickie Schauman, 25 years of service,
and Maintenance and Public Works employee Eddie Morris, 27 years of service.
Retirees received a gift bag with their photo on it and many congratulations from the town.
Stabe also announced that the department had received notification that its accreditation had been renewed, which he said was quite an achievement.