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Sebastian to repave 4 roads near Pelican Island Elementary

SEBASTIAN — Drivers in the area of Pelican Island Elementary School should have a smoother drive in the coming months now that the City of Sebastian has targeted 1.3 miles worth of roads nearby for repaving. Four roads that have been given the city’s worst condition label of “bad” will be the recipients of as much as $200,000 worth of improvement.

City Manager Al Minner made a presentation to the Sebastian City Council Wednesday evening, informing the council that staff had selected four roads in an area of town that has not yet benefited from road improvement projects but has the most “bad” roads.

“I think those streets certainly qualify,” Minner said of Empire Terrace, Douglass Avenue, Miller Drive and Tracy Drive.

With $25,805 already in the coffers meant for resurfacing roads and the council’s approval of refinancing a bank note for such projects, the city has almost $201,000 in the budget to perform the work. Whether all the funds would be utilized remains to be seen as the project has not yet been bid out.

The project will consist of patching potholes and other deteriorated spots and laying approximately 2 inches of asphalt overtop the entire road.

Empire Terrace would be resurfaced between Barber Street and Douglass Avenue, while Douglass would be improved between Pelican Island Drive and Miller Drive. Miller Drive, between Pelican Island Drive and Barber, would be repaired, as would Tracy Drive between Barber and Arcadia Street.

“They’re definitely in need of work,” said Vice Mayor Don Wright. “We should move forward on this.”

There was no vote taken on the matter by the council, though there was consensus to focus on these four streets.

Minner told the council that he would hope to have the project bid and a contract back before council sometime in the next six weeks or so.

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