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Shigellosis numbers up in Indian River County

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY – Indian River County Health Department has identified an increase in the number of cases of shigellosis in our community.

Most cases have been found in young children and their families. Since January, 24 cases have been identified, compared with no cases during the same time last year.

Shigellosis is caused by a group of bacteria called shigella and can cause fever, diarrhea, watery and/or bloody diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Symptoms usually occur within 4 days of infection, and most people recover in 4 to 7 days.

Shigellosis is very contagious and is easily spread from person to person. Infection occurs from eating or swallowing something that is contaminated with feces from an infected person.

Some people can even be infected and not have symptoms. This is why proper hand washing after going to the bathroom, changing diapers, and before preparing and eating food is the best way to prevent shigellosis, and many other diseases.

“Indian River County Health Department is working closely with schools and child care facilities and has provided them with prevention and control information. We are also working with the medical community to assure they have the most current information.” said Miranda Hawker, county health department administrator.

To help prevent further spread of shigellosis in our community:

Wash hands after bathroom visits, diaper changes, play time, and before preparing food and eating

Hand washing among children should be frequent and supervised by an adult, especially where children are not fully toilet trained

Clean and disinfect bathrooms, diaper changing areas, and toys regularly

People with diarrhea should stay home from school or work until 24 hours after their symptoms stop

People with diarrhea should not prepare food or drinks for others

See your physician if your symptoms worsen

For more information, please contact Indian River County Health Department at (772) 794-7440.

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