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Dogs for Life offering summer special at 12th St. Off-Leash Dog Park location

VERO BEACH — Dogs For Life, Inc. (DFL), a non-profit organization, is offering a new member special at the 12th St. and 16th Ave. Off-Leash Dog Park.

Qualifying dogs must be inoculated, neutered, and social. The special will be a 1 month trial membership for $50. After 1 month, if the trial member wishes to become an annual member, his or her $50 payment will go toward the annual $300 membership fee.

DFL is dedicated to providing services to the community by training hearing and service dogs, training volunteers to provide pet assisted therapy, and owning and managing its off-leash dog park

Orientations are required and scheduled by appointment.

Please contact DFL at (772) 567-8969 or via email at with any questions or concerns.

DFL can also be reached via its website:

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