SEBASTIAN — Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion posts in Sebastian will officially have a venue in which to discuss veteran issues and present those recommendations stemming from the discussions to the Sebastian City Council, now that the City Council has formed the Veterans Advisory Board.
“It gives us a chance to voice our opinions,” said Commander Jack Willis, of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10210.
“Before, we didn’t really have any input,” agreed Commander Emory “Ed” Irons, of the American Legion Post 189.
Both commanders, along with one member from each group will form the base of the 5-member board. The fifth member will rotate among the various veteran auxiliary groups.
Commander Irons said the new board would give veterans a place to discuss various issues and veterans-related projects, allowing for public input from more than just the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. He acknowledged other veterans groups, including the Vietnam Veterans of America and the Purple Heart Veterans, could present information to the board for consideration.
The advisory board would then make a recommendation to the Sebastian City Council.
“It’s a good step forward,” Commander Irons said of the city creating the board. “We just need to get our hands around it.”
The commanders said that their first tasks would be to oversee the current construction of the Four Chaplains Memorial and memorial pathway, both of which are located at Memorial Park at Riverview Park.
Another item they’d like to work on is identifying local veterans who need help taking care of their property. By identifying them, the board could work to get them the assistance they need.
A date for the Veterans Advisory Board’s first meeting has not yet been scheduled. The meetings will be held during the day in the Council Chambers at Sebastian City Hall and will be subject to Florida’s Sunshine Law.