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Samantha Burbank and Jermaine Williams win Ace Awards

VERO BEACH — Exchange Club of Indian River named Samantha Burbank and Jermaine Williams, seniors at Vero Beach High School, winners of its Accepting the Challenge of Excellence (ACE) Award.

Scott Wallace, ACE Awards, presented the awards at a recent luncheon meeting at Culinary Capers. Wallace gave each student a check for fifty dollars and added their names to the perpetual plaque that hangs in the PBDP. Shannon D. DuPlessis, PBD Program coordinator, introduced the students and told about their academic and personal accomplishments.

According to DuPlessis, Samantha is a dedicated and motivated individual who was recognized by the PDB Program for her outstanding commitment to improving herself as a student and a person in the year she has been enrolled. Samantha plans to attend Indian River State College to pursue a degree in psychology after graduation.

Jermaine Williams, who has been in PBD two years, was honored for his incredible persistence and determination to excel academically despite obstacles. He hopes to earn a certificate of completion in building construction before graduation. He also plans to attend IRSC and work toward a degree in digital design or computer technology.

Exchange Club of Indian River honors students in the Charter High School and Vero Beach High School Performance-Based Program each year. Exchangites also provide the community with programs in youth activities, service, and Americanism.

Through participation in its national project, the Prevention of Child Abuse, the Exchange Club of Indian River’s Foundation supports several local youth-related projects and charities. Club members meet for lunch each Wednesday to enjoy programs on a wide range of civic, charitable, professional, personal, and business topics.

One of the Foundation’s major annual fundraisers is the 36th Annual Exchange Club Blue Water Open “Dolphin Mania” Charity Fishing Tournament to be held May 19. All proceeds benefit local child abuse prevention projects.

Further information about the Club is available from 2011-2012 Exchange Club president R.J. MacMillan at (772) 713-3882 and at the club’s websites, and

Persons interested in learning more about Exchange Club membership, working for the prevention of child abuse, or donating to the Foundation’s Child Abuse Prevention Fund may seek further information from any member of the club.

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