Dawn E. Miller celebrates Spring Specialty Workshops & Sunday Studios April through May

VERO BEACH — Spring offers a breather, a chance to kick back, learn a new technique or tackle a painting problem area that will not go away. Vero Beach’s popular artist and teacher, Dawn E. Miller, has organized three different learning opportunities this season for artists looking to expand their skills.

A Five Week Portraiture Class for Intermediate to Advanced Students:

This workshop begins Tuesday, April 3, and continues until May 1, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost: $135. Open to painters in any medium, this class offers a rare opportunity to work from life in a supportive environment. The workshop is limited to eight students insuring ample one-on-one instruction.

Two Specialty Saturday Workshops

* Masterful Paintings from Photographs: April 14, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost $95. Learn how to turn that drawer filled with beloved photos into masterful paintings. Identify the unique interest in each photo and how to capture and enhance these qualities through color, harmony, and design.

* Roughin’ It: Creating Textures with Pastels: May 5, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost $105. Adding texture to pastel surfaces opens up a new world of creative possibilities. Try out commercial products and homemade options.

Practice integrating textural patterns into a composition. Discover why and when to tone a support. Each student will take home several prepared supports.

* A New Series of 3-hour Sunday Studios will be held on April 1, 15, 22 & May 6, 13, 20: 1:30-4:30 p.m. Cost: $25 per Studio. Aimed at artists of all levels in any media, participants work on their own projects with lots of one-on-one instruction from Ms. Miller. The encouraging atmosphere supports students’ desires to explore, to experiment and to create.

All studios and workshops are held at Jill Pease Teaching Gallery, 1125 Commerce Ave. in Vero Beach.

 For more details about Workshops & Studios, go to www.DawnMillerArt.com.

Register for all classes by calling Ms. Miller at (772) 559-7854.

Private instruction can also be arranged.

Meet The Artist:

Visit with Dawn Miller and enjoy her luminous pastels at the: Melbourne Fine Arts Festival, April 28 & 29.

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