It’s been a while since I updated you on Rio’s progress. The most important thing we have been working on is his people skills. While Rio is great with other dogs, his human relationships are a challenge.
He is loving with me. But Rio tried to bite my husband several times when he first came into our home. Now he is fine with the hubby, but other men are a challenge.
Social skills take time, so for the past few months Rio and I have been working on polite behavior.
We have made numerous trips to local pet stores. Getting him out in multiple locations helps generalize new behavior. The first trips were really short, but gradually Rio is relaxing in these different environments.
One advantage I have is I can bring him with me to my classes. I have my trainers and interns work with him while I teach. This has been wonderful in helping him leap forward in his training to other people and situations.
I also take him with me when I teach agility. This exposes him to many other people and dogs. He can be a part of the group or wait in his crate and have a break from the activity. Again, all this nonthreatening human contact has been incredibly helpful in improving his people skills.
It takes a village to raise this dog and I thank everyone who has helped us.
Rio has passed a huge milestone. He actually solicited attention from a man! This was an amazing hurdle for him. Rio was being so sweet, I even let him run around loose while his new friend, George, walked around the field.
I’m delighted with Rio’s progress. Please remember all of these social skills have taken time. Rio was afraid in new situations. I had to go slow and not allow him to go past his coping skills. Those skills improved because he was never overwhelmed. That’s the key to remedial socialization.