SEBASTIAN — Several hundred children lined the five Easter Egg fields at Riverview Park in Sebastian Saturday morning, eyeing the eggs they would grab first once “Go!” was shouted.
The weather Saturday would have been unbearably warm if not for a strong, almost chilly breeze coming off the Indian River Lagoon. Pinwheels posted within each of the egg fields spun so fast from the wind it was a wonder they didn’t go flying.
Though the 10th annual Easter Egg Hunt at the park started at 10 a.m. – the hunt actually underway at 10:30 a.m. – children began arriving before 9:30 a.m. to have plenty of time to scout out their prime location.
For 9-year-old Keegan McCollom, standing on the outside of the field appeared to be almost too much for her to handle as she stared at a small, stuffed rabbit lying on its side not four feet from the edge of the field.
When asked if there was an egg she was also interested in, she shyly pointed to a white egg with red hearts.
Her favorite part of the Easter Egg Hunt?
“There’s a bunch of colorful eggs,” Keegan said.
Her dad, Brad McCollom, said they missed the Sebastian hunt last year, instead attending the hunt at Riverside Park in Vero Beach. The family tries to attend at least one hunt each Easter.
“They get excited about it,” he said of his four kids, who also include Bailey, 5, Brady, 6, and Piper, 3.
Of the four, Bailey is the most excited about the hunt, he said.
“She’s a candy addict,” he said.
Not all the children at the park were so anxious to get their eggs.
Alex Hiler, 5, was most excited about the hayride and sliding on the inflatable slide before settling along the sidelines of his Easter Egg field.
“It’s just a fun, family event,” said Alex’s mom, Pam Hiler. “It’s always so well-organized.”
The children’s egg fields were separated by age: 2 and under, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9 and up. Each field held one special egg containing a special “golden” ticket, redeemable for a super-packed Easter basket.
Taking a short break from play, Alex said he really likes Easter.
“It’s about God,” he said of why he likes the holiday.
Larissa Liston, 1, waited calmly at the edge of her egg field, bopping to the music from the stage.
Her mom, Heidi, said that Larissa participated in only one other Easter Egg Hunt – at the pre-school where she works.
“She’s getting used to it,” she said of Larissa. “Once she gets one egg in each hand, she’s done.”
Liston said she was going to show Larissa how to put her eggs in her basket, but noted that would be a challenge.
“She wants to take them out of the basket,” she said.