Blessing of the Animals at St. Mark’s Anglican Church on March 11

VERO BEACH — Please join us at St. Mark’s Anglican Church Sunday, March 11, at 1 p.m. for the blessing of the animals. Father Mike Ward will be performing the blessing, and light refreshments will be served. All types of animals are welcome, but please, no reptiles.

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or ask the birds of the air, and they will tell you… or let the fish of the sea tell you. Every one of these knows that the hand of the Lord has done this. The life of every creature and the breath of all people are in God’s hand.”  Job 12:7-10

Throughout the Bible, there is much evidence of Our Father’s care for the creatures of the earth.  Please join us in celebration of our pets as we ask for God’s blessing on their lives.

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