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School Board approves $36,000 for policy revision service

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Indian River County School Board Tuesday night unanimously supported spending nearly $36,000 on a 4-year service that would help keep the district’s policies and procedures in compliance with changing state and federal laws.

The board approved an agreement with NEOLA Inc., which services districts throughout Florida and other states nationwide. As a “sole-provider” for the type of service it provides, the School District did not bid out the project.

“I’m very excited about the prospect,” Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Risk Management Pamela Lannon said of working with NEOLA to ensure the School Board’ policies are consistent throughout the district and its procedures square up with changing laws.

Lannon said that part of the service provided will be to have all the district’s policies and procedures, along with forms, available on the School District’s website, accessible to the public, as well as district employees.

Parents, for example, would be able to download the field trip or other forms as needed, she said. “It will make people so much more knowledgeable” on the rules that govern the district, Lannon said.

Both School Board members Carol Johnson and Matt McCain pointed to an expected cost savings to the district by working with NEOLA as reasons for their support of the request.

McCain said that one of the hot-button issues several years ago was the high cost of legal fees at the district. He explained that part of that reason was because the School Board’s outside attorneys were tapped to go through the policies and procedures and bring them up to date.

“This will save us a tremendous amount of money,” McCain said.

In other School Board action Tuesday night, the board scheduled a number of public hearings for its meeting on Feb. 14, beginning at 6 p.m.

Schools Superintendent Dr. Fran Adams explained to the board that many of the hearings are required due to recent changes to state and federal laws.

The hearings are as follows:

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