Genealogical Society to present, Developing a Strategy for Research Success

VERO BEACH — Sharon Tate Moody, a retired law enforcement officer and graduate of the FBI National Academy, will be the featured speaker at the January 10, 2012 general meeting of the Indian River Genealogical Society. Because of her experiences, she brings a unique perspective to genealogy research.

Moody lectures widely in the United States and is the author of a weekly genealogy column. Her presentation, titled “Developing a Strategy for Research Success”, will help attendees find evidence and genealogical proof for their ancestor research.

The meeting will convene at 9:30 a.m. in the large first floor conference room of the Indian River County Main Library, 1600 21st Street, Vero Beach. Following a brief business session and refreshments, the program will begin about 10:45 a.m. This and all general meetings of the IRGS are free and open to the public.

The IRGS meets each second Tuesday, September through May, and welcomes all those interested in researching their family’s history.

For questions about this program, please call Tom Garvey at (772) 234-8686.

For more information about the society, membership and the annual Valentine Genealogy Seminar, visit


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