INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Everyone has seen them. Every year people come to expect them. They are in the malls and the grocery stores, accompanied by the sound of ringing bells.
Starting Friday Nov. 11, the Salvation Army’s Christmas Kettle campaign kicks off at over 20 locations throughout Indian River County, ushering in the holiday season with six weeks of fund raising.
The proceeds from the campaign primarily help the Salvation Army’s numerous programs, including the mobile feeding canteen, social services, rental and utilities assistance, food pantry, and children’s after school activities for the 2012 year.
“Our year-round service provides help to hundreds of people throughout the year,” said Major Sam VanDenberg. “The kettles support our Christmas programs, but also support programs all year.”
The tradition of the red kettle is nearly as old as the Salvation Army itself, going back more than 100 years.
Started in San Francisco by Salvation Army Capt. Joseph McFee, the officer wanted to provide 1,000 free Christmas dinners to the poor but had no way to pay for it.
As the story goes, McFee positioned a large black pot on the docks near ferry boat landings, drawing donations from passersby and those who traveled by ferry. Thus, the longstanding tradition was born.
Indian River County’s branch of the Salvation Army has been providing Christmas assistance for the past 16 years.
The Indian River County Salvation Army collected $150,000 last year through kettle donations and kettle sponsorships. It is bracing for a tough year this time out, especially with the increased demand of the services and the stagnate economy.
“We’ve had a dramatic increase in our services this year. Christmas registration has increased by 20 percent this year alone,” said Major Sam.
Volunteer Bell ringers are still needed for the six-week campaign, which will total more than 30,000 hours. Some of the locations for Red Kettles are, Publix, Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Post offices, Indian River Mall and Winn Dixie.
The “Kettle Kick-Off” this year will be held at the Christmas in Downtown Vero event on Nov. 25 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and is sponsored by Publix.
“Sally the Kettle will make an appearance again this year and mingle with the crowd during the celebration. There will also be holiday snacks and coffee provided by Doughboys Donuts,” said development director John Corapi.
For more info on how to help The Salvation Army this holiday season call (772) 978-0265 or www.facebook.com/pages/The-Salvation-Army-of-Indian-River-Co-Fla