Fellsmere Council Candidate Forum tonight at Old School

FELLSMERE — The Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a Fellsmere City Council Candidates Forum on Oct. 27 in the Fellsmere Old School from 7 to 9 p.m.

This Candidates Forum will be the premier event to be held in the fully restored auditorium of the Old School which was renovated in 2010 and rededicated at the Fellsmere Days celebration in April of this year.

The fully restored school held its first classes in 1916 and was a classic example of the old Mission Style architecture.

Questions created by the Chamber’s Legislative Government Affairs Committee will be posed by Indian River County Commissioner Wesley Davis, District One, as the moderator.

Assisting Commissioner Davis as the timekeeper will be Maggie Sammons, Custom Air Systems and a long time chamber board member.

The three candidates running for two seats in Fellsmere include Mayor Susan Adams, City Councilwoman Sara Savage, and challenger Johnny Luke, a lifelong Fellsmere resident.

The Property Owners of Northwest Indian River County will be co-hosting this event with the Chamber and the public is invited to attend this forum at the old school.

For more information please contact Beth L. Mitchell, Chamber President, at (772) 589-5969.

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