INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Angelia Perry, Executive Director of Gifford Youth Activity Center, announced the appointment of Tammy Adams as GYAC’s new Director of Development.
“We are so happy to have Tammy join our team,” declared Perry. “Her thirty-five years of experience in developing and growing businesses through effective marketing, advertising and public relationships coupled with her positive outlook and compassion is a wonderful asset to Gifford Youth Activity Center.”
Since 1992, Tammy Adams and her husband, Bruce Galvin, have lived in Vero Beach arriving from Virginia Beach, Va. She spent the next seven years working in various local and regional management positions for Sam’s Club before becoming the Marketing Director at Norris & Company Real Estate and later for Dale Sorensen Real Estate.
Then, in 2005, Adams started ADAMS Advertising Design And Market Share, a full-service advertising agency.
“It seems I kept finding myself working with non-profit clients on various levels and fundraising for them so my new position with the Gifford Youth Activity Center was a natural evolution,” said Adams. “I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to help GYAC continue to prosper, grow and make a positive impact and lasting impression on children throughout Indian River County.”
Adams is a charter member and currently president-elect of the Rotary Club of Vero Beach Oceanside. She served on the boards of the Mental Health Association (hatching the highly successful TurtleTrax fundraiser idea) and the American Red Cross North Treasure Coast Chapter.
Adams co-chaired the Ambassadors Committee for the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce for two years and was a member of the fundraising committee for the Environmental Learning Center. She was also responsible for distributing locally over $80,000 in grants and donations through the Wal-Mart Foundation.
Founded and opened in 1998, Gifford Youth Activity Center (GYAC) offers a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive after-school program to students K-12 where daily, in classrooms by grade, teachers provide structured daily homework assistance, tutoring, educational enrichment, and encouragement of personal growth and development to students followed, in the late afternoon, by cultural and recreational activities.
Children in GYAC’s summer camp program spend their morning in the classroom with teachers who mentor, tutor, and prepare them for the coming school year in reading, comprehension, spelling, math, and science then in the afternoon they enjoy daily recreation, fun field trips, and motivating guest speakers.
Gifford Youth Activity Center academic, recreational, and cultural programs provides children an engaging environment for them to interact with one another as well as opportunities for them to improve their decision-making abilities, learn good leadership skills, and encourages students to advance to college and beyond.
Gifford Youth Activity Center also serves an active senior community with activities ranging from exercise, sewing, arts and crafts, and dance classes to fun and educational field trips and travel, special guest speakers and regular health screenings. For more information, please visit www.gyac.net or call (772) 794-1005.