VERO BEACH — The Samaritan Center, a long term facility for homeless families with dependent children in Indian River County, gears up for its Soup Bowl fundraising event each summer with the Samaritan Center Soup Bowl workshop held at the Vero Beach Museum of Art.
The workshop began August 13 and artisans reached 400 in the first week. The public is invited to watch the wheel throwing the weekends of Aug.t 20 and 21 and Aug.27 and 28 during Museum hours.
“The bowls are outstanding this year!” said Shotsi Cain Lajoie, event co-chair and workshop coordinator. “We have several master production potters, who will be throwing this weekend if the public would like to see them.”
New to the group are potters, Eric Olson from Wisconsin, Walford Campbell an instructor at the Museum, and Ramayana Baba, Charter High School ceramics instructor.
A collaboration of master ceramics artisans produce wheel-thrown stoneware bowls and soup tureens at the workshop. The handmade bowls will be sold for $10 and raffle tickets will be sold for the soup tureens at more than 30 public locations where the soup will be served.
The Soup Bowl fundraising event will be held Thursday, Nov. 3 at participating locations throughout Indian River County. The soup donated by over 60 restaurants is served at 13 places of worship; soup is also supplied by 20+ businesses. Soup Bowl at Home events, are individual private gatherings which also receive bowls if the supply lasts.
The Samaritan Center is a program of Catholic Charities and is a United Way agency.
To help underwrite the costs of the workshop or the Samaritan Center Soup Bowl, send contributions to the Samaritan Center at 3650 41st Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32967, or call Shotsi Cain Lajoie at (772) 453-9049 for more information.