INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — In recognition of outstanding community service, members of The Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast honored Kerry Bartlett with the prestigious Book of Golden Deeds award on Thursday, July 7 at the organization’s monthly luncheon.
“The Book of Golden Deeds recognizes dedicated volunteers who give endless hours of time and talent toward making their community a better place,” said Alice Gaskill, club member and organizer of the award ceremony. “Kerry has shown selfless dedication to her hometown in so many ways that it was an easy decision to honor her.”
Born and raised in Vero Beach, Bartlett returned to Indian River County in 1987 after earning a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from the University of Florida. She launched a successful career in public relations and eventually transferred her experience to the nonprofit sector through positions with the United Way and the Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice Foundation.
In 2009, Bartlett became the first Executive Director for the Indian River Community Foundation, a position which she continues to fill. Under her leadership, the organization has experienced unprecedented growth and now holds more than $9 million in assets designated for charitable use.
In 2005, Bartlett helped established Indian River County’s first chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, an organization dedicated to promoting ethical practice and professionalism throughout the fundraising community. She served as president for two years and the chapter has since grown to include 72 members and is recognized as one of the fastest growing and strongest chapters in North America.
As a member of the Treasure Coast Gator Club, three years ago Bartlett took on the task of reviving the organization’s signature event, the Treasure Coast Gator Toast, to raise money for college scholarships.
She has chaired the event for three consecutive years, during which time the Club’s scholarship program has grown to provide 18 annual scholarships to University of Florida undergraduates from Indian River and St. Lucie Counties.
Of all her professional and volunteer work, Bartlett said her most rewarding experience was in 2010 when she participated in the Indian River County Healthy Start Coalition Dancing With Vero Stars. Bartlett spent three months raising money for Healthy Start while learning to ballroom dance. She raised the most money during the competition and has continued to train in ballroom dance ever since.
“There are some citizens of our community who do many good deeds that go unnoticed,” Gaskill said. “Our members all agreed that Kerry is among those unsung heroes that deserve our thanks and respect for their devotion to Indian River County.”
This is only the second time the Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast has presented the Book of Golden Deeds. The previous recipient was attorney Bernard Grall in 2010.
Club President, Robert Paugh, presented Bartlett with a plaque and flowers to commemorate the occasion. In addition to the Exchange Club membership, Bartlett’s family, friends and colleagues were invited to the luncheon including former Book of Golden Deeds award recipients Alma Lee Loy and Ann Marie McCrystal.
The Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast is an all volunteer organization that gives members the opportunity to share their time and talents to help others. The principal focus areas of the Club include youth, Americanism, community service and child abuse prevention. Membership information is available at www.tcexchangeclub.org.