INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — SafeSpace 2011 Walk A Mile In Her Shoes co-chairs are asking – Will you slip on the red stilettos and walk a mile in her shoes? Because Real Men Step Up to fight against domestic violence
It’s the hot question this summer as co-chairs for SafeSpace’s 2011 Walk A Mile In Her Shoes events step up for the second annual men’s march to bring awareness to sexual and domestic violence on the Treasure Coast. After its first ever Treasure Coast walk last year in Vero Beach, SafeSpace has tripling the effort with a walk in each of the three Treasure Coast counties during October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month to determine – Which Treasure Coast County has the most real men?
From 8:30 to 10:30 am Saturday, October 29, Walk a Mile returns to the Indian River Medical Center in Vero Beach. Donna Fabean, director of Women’s Health at Indian River Medical Center, teams with Indian River County Chief Deputy Bud Spencer to co-chair the Indian River County event.
SafeSpace, the Treasure Coast’s only domestic violence center, challenges the real men of the Treasure Coast to step up against domestic violence by taking part in the 2011 Walk a Mile in Her Shoes events. Hundreds of local men will be stepping into 4-inch high women’s red stilettos, then walking a literal mile to bring attention to the crime of domestic violence with a literal interpretation of the saying that true understanding comes only after walking a mile in another’s shoes.
The other Treasure Coast events will be held on Saturday, October 1 in Downtown Stuart, and on Saturday, October 15 in St. Lucie County at Digital Domain Stadium. Lt. Jenell Atlas of the Martin County Sheriff’s Office and Stephen Leighton, district director for Congressman Tom Rooney, are Martin County’s co-chairs. SafeSpace Board President Theresa Wyres and Board Member Bryan Gardner, who chaired last year’s inaugural event, are St. Lucie County’s co-chairs.
“We’re so proud to have all our co-chairs heading our effort to take Walk A Mile In Her Shoes to the entire Treasure Coast,” said SafeSpace CEO Jill Borowicz. “Last year, we had about 100 men slip on the red stiletto heels and literally walk a mile at our very first event. “We’re hoping you’ll say yes this year when our co-chairs ask you to walk a mile in her shoes with them.”
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is the international men’s march to stop rape, sexual assault and gender violence, and each year since its creation in 2001, hundreds of Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® marches take place throughout the United States and Canada, with men courageously stepping up to become part of the solution to domestic and sexualized violence. Today, nearly 1 in 4 women are beaten or raped by a partner during their adult lives.
$50 minimum donation or sponsorship per individual to participate. Heels provided for all men who register two weeks prior to event.
For more information or to register, visit www.SafeSpacefl.org or call Tracy Levy at 772-223-2399.