With Summer already here – watermelon has become a staple in my household. It’s cold, juicy and refreshing.
Nothing cleanses the palate after a good meal the way a thick slice of watermelon can. But eating watermelon as a dessert at the dinner table with my hubby has become slightly problematic – and leads me to ask the question – how do you eat your watermelon?
Seems like a no-brainer question to me – but then, I think I’m normal and my hubby is the odd-ball (he is, but that’s an entry for a completely different blog!). Of course, Keith thinks he’s normal and I’m the odd one.
There’s nothing like a slice of watermelon to bring out my inner-child – well, maybe ice cream! I’m the type who picks up the slice and starts eating it – no utensils involved. I work back and forth from the top-down and don’t sweat the rind tapping my cheeks all the while.
Keith is another story. He prefers the fork and knife method – yes, even on a slice of watermelon. Rather prim and proper if you ask me.
Ask him and he’ll tell you that he doesn’t like the mess – doesn’t want the rind touching him or his fingers dripping with the juice.
I say – it’s watermelon, let your inner-child come out and play!
So, what do you say?