INDIAN RIVER COUNTY – Brothers by blood, Eagles by merit, Devan, Stephen and Timothy Faillace tackle dirty dishes in the kitchen of Indian River Estates East, a senior community west of Vero Beach on State Road 60.
Their boss, Jeff Tyler, didn’t know the brothers were Eagles – at least, not right away. “It’s definitely a plus on any résumé,” he said. “Kudos to their parents.”
Devan, 20, has been working at Indian River Estates for three years. And having started as a server in the dining room, has moved up the ladder to the “dish pit” – washing dishes and now helping the chef with prep work.
His younger brother, 18-year-old Stephen, started almost two years ago – traveling the same path blazed by Devan.
And now, their older brother, 22-year-old Timothy, has decided to join them. His first shift is next week.
By all accounts, the brothers work well together.
“We’ve fought it all out by now,” Devan said.
He came to work at Indian River Estates after learning from a friend about the decent pay and flexible hours.
“It sounded pretty good to me,” he said.
Tyler said when Stephen came seeking work, it was easy to hire him – based on how Devan was working out. And, again, when Timothy showed up, it was another easy decision.
“You guys are the best group we’ve had back there,” Tyler said of the Faillace brothers.
Tyler described the brothers as dependable, hardworking and likeable – traits that could be attributed to their dedication to scouting, which led them to complete the program and become Eagle Scouts.
Each brother likes to say his is the biggest or best Eagle Scout project, but they kid each other.
Timothy’s project consisted of rehabilitating the flagpole area at the Sebastian Elks Lodge, providing for an assembly area and proper lighting. The area now is better equipped to handle flag retirements.
Timothy and his Scout crew crafted a walkway of bricks along the flagpole and planted a garden.
He said he got the idea while he worked at the Elks Lodge and saw that the flagpole area was “a bit worn down.”
Stephen’s project benefited the American Legion Post 189 in Sebastian, helping to build a large 10-by-10-foot sign the post could use to tell the public about the various activities going on there.
The project was a way to give back to the American Legion, a group that has continually supported them – Troop 599.
“I like to say my project is the biggest,” Stephen joked, referring to the 100-square-foot sign.
Devan’s project was completed at Pelican Island Elementary School – where each of the brothers attended.
With the assistance of a paver company, Devan was able to build a stage and ceremonial area at the elementary school, replacing the worn-out wooden platform.
The school routinely holds assemblies there, whether for flag-raising or retiring or for chorus performances.
Devan said he visits the elementary school regularly and had noticed the platform’s condition, which spurred the idea of replacing it.
While it is relatively uncommon for a Boy Scout to fly up to Eagle – it appears to be even more uncommon to have three brothers reach the same achievement.
“Our parents pushed us,” Devan said. “They supported us.”
Tyler, the brothers’ boss and a father of four himself, marveled that their parents could encourage the brothers to remain in Scouts and pursue Eagle without pushing them to the point of rebellion.
The young men said they appreciate what Scouting has taught them over the years and don’t find it odd that all three are Eagles.
“You pick up different life skills along the way,” Timothy said of Scouting – even if the Scout doesn’t complete the program. Those skills “are an asset later on.”
Tyler said it is not uncommon to have siblings working at Indian River Estates – but the Faillace brothers are definitely unique.
“We are really blessed to have them,” he said.