INDIAN RIVER COUNTY – Making Strides Against Breast Cancer (MSABC) is the American Cancer Society’s premier event to raise funds and awareness specifically to fight breast cancer.
On Tuesday, May 10, 5:30 p.m. at Marriott Springhill Suites, the Indian River Units of the American Cancer Society MSABC committee will host a preview for the community of all things new and pink for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 2011.
The committee, led by Event Chair Annie Grace Foster and Sponsorship Chair Terri Schmalfuss, will introduce a new website and will assist team leaders and team members with registering online. The walk is scheduled for Saturday, October 15 at the Sebastian River Medical Centr.
More than an event or walk name, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer describes the amazing progress that has been made to defeat this disease. MSABC funds go towards breast cancer research, education, advocacy, and patient services.
Pink Premier Presenting Sponsor and host for 2011 is Sebastian River Medical Center lead by the dynamic team of Emily Holliman and Ron Gicca. The Honorary Chair for 2011 is Caroline Kedem, MD of Vero Radiology Associates.
A world with less breast cancer is a world with more birthdays, and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event committee has already started to celebrate.
There is a special incentive for the first teams and team members who register online and raise over $100 individually before the August Kick-off celebration event.
Breast cancer survivors may register online as survivors or team leaders and look forward to a reception in their honor in early autumn.
Call (772) 562-2272 ext. 2408 for more information or for help registering online.
For more information about the August Kick-off celebration or for how you can participate in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, visit