Even the most world-shaking event ultimately boils down to single choices by individuals. Like you and like me.
What road do I take this morning? Should I accept that job? How should I respond to that act of aggression? Do I tell the truth? Should I make the commitment to reach home ownership with Habitat? Watch TV or get out of the house? Like it or not, each of us and our fellow passengers on our blue planet are inextricably connected – and getting even closer – as technology advances, literally, by the second.
As scary as this can be, it can also help us see how what we say and do can have very positive, often surprising, results.
A Habitat-related example can be our choice to donate to an entity whose mission is to end poverty housing through “helping families help themselves.”
Or we can choose to spend that precious Saturday morning sweating with others on a Habitat jobsite rather than reclining at the beach or smacking a tennis ball.
We can engage, or we can turn away.
Since 1976, the choices of single individuals to donate, to work, to care, have resulted in thousands upon thousands of families, worldwide, obtaining a home of their own. To paraphrase: “The road to a Habitat home begins with a single nail.”
I am not ashamed to admit to being among the millions who awoke at O Dark Thirty this past Friday morning to watch the You-Know-What over in You-Know-Where.
I got to share the Royal Wedding viewing at an intimate little party with a group of great gals, all of whom who wore PJs and zany, feathery “Fascinators.” (Those quirky little head decorations that surely must be pasted, Velcro-ed or tacked on.) The ladies drank tea, ate scones and ooooo’d and aaahhhhh’d as the fabulous event unfolded.
PUL-eeze, you say, with all the Serious Stuff happening in the world, who cares? But it was a breath of fresh air, a chance to step out of mundane reality for a brief moment in time and remember that new beginnings and happy ending are – still – possible.
In fact, happy endings are one of the major goals of all of us here at Habitat. We like to say we make what begin as only dreams, into reality for (and WITH) families in need, right here in Indian River County.
Perhaps you’ll make a decision to join us. You may be surprised at how much impact your choice can make and how much you’ll bring away from the experience.
Have a good one.
Sam Baita, Public RelationsIndian River Habitat for Humanity 772.562.9860 X220sbaita@irchabitat.org