VERO BEACH — Seacoast National Bank employees take the bank’s Treasure Coast March of Dimes corporate sponsorship to heart. Recently, employees rallied together to raise over $6,900 through a variety of fundraising efforts to support the March for Babies, which was held on March 5 in Vero Beach.
Co-captains Ann Thomas and Roxy Thorne led the charge for the bank’s 2010-2011 Indian River County team. In addition, employees also volunteer and participate in other March of Dimes events including the Signature Chef’s Auction.
Cyn DeLee Dalton, Vice President and Regional Manager for Indian River County, was recently appointed to the Treasure Coast March of Dimes Board of Directors and accepted the role of Chairman for the 2011-2012 Indian River County March for Babies.
“Seacoast’s contributions go far beyond financial support, they also volunteer their time and have brought invaluable expertise to our board of directors, which makes them a very unique corporate partner,” explained Pam Crowley, Executive Director Treasure Coast March of Dimes. “Seacoast has been represented on our board of directors and supported our community awareness events for over a decade.”
The March of Dimes is dedicated to reducing the number of babies born early and/or too small; programs focus on education about the signs of preterm labor and research into the causes.
For more information visit www.SeacoastNational.com.