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Tips for tackling home improvement projects with ease

(ARA) – It’s that time of year when homeowners look around their property and start mentally creating a list of to-do projects. Sometimes these projects are minor like changing out accents in the bathroom. Other times the project can end up being a complete remodel that requires the right tools and strategy.

If you’ve taken that brave step to committing yourself to a home improvement project, congratulations – you’ve won half the battle. The next hurdle to overcome is successfully preparing yourself for the task at hand. Minor adjustments can save you time and money down the road so it’s important that you do your homework in advance. Before getting started, consider the tips below. These handy hints can help you maximize project results and avoid unnecessary stress.

* Prioritize – Put simply, don’t bite off more than you can chew. When taking on home projects, remember to consider quality over quantity. There is no sense in rushing through one project just to cross it off the list. Decide what upgrades are most important and pay them their due diligence. Identify what requires your immediate attention, and what can wait. More importantly, recognize when you’re in over your head and don’t be afraid to enlist professional help.

* Update your tool box – We create more work for ourselves by not investing in quality tools that address multiple project needs. The right tool can give you professional looking results while dramatically reducing frustration. The new RotoZip ZipSaw is outfitted to handle applications in a variety of materials, including tile, wood and metal. From installing new flooring to removing old bathroom grout, this powerful cutting tool combines the best features of angle grinders and jamb saws to tackle straight, curved, notched and flush cuts with ease.

* Plan a budget – Identify how much you’re able to spend and stick to it. No sense in taking on debt or refinancing your home just to keep up with the Joneses. If you can’t afford the kitchen remodel this year, consider investing in smaller updates that won’t go unnoticed. You’d be surprised how updated appliances or a simple paint job can add new life to your home. There is always the risk of unforeseen costs; research common project pitfalls and try to eliminate those possibilities. Don’t forget to incorporate the cost of tools if you’re not hiring help.

* Set regular goals – The home improvement process can be overwhelming, so it’s important to set goals for each portion of the project. These ongoing check points are rewarding and can help motivate you to keep going. Remember to use these intervals to take a break and clear your head. The time off allows you to come at the next step fresh, ultimately minimizing fatigue and frustration. Regular breaks also enable you to monitor your project supplies and stock up as needed.

Don’t let project logistics intimidate you to push off home updates yet another season. Home improvement is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time and trust that the end result will be well-worth your effort. With the right tools and proper preparation, you can avoid costly mistakes and tackle that to-do list like a pro.

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