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Driving tips to minimize gas consumption

Gas prices are heading for all-time highs, just as warm weather arrives and many of us will be spending more time on the road. You may not be ready to give up your summer vacation, but saving money on gas is going to be a priority for many motorists this summer.

Many experts are predicting gas prices will continue to rise in 2011. And one oil industry expert quoted in a Washington Post report actually forecasts that gas prices will touch $5 per gallon by 2012.

If replacing your current vehicle with a fuel-sipping hybrid car isn’t in your budget this summer, you can still save fuel – and money – while driving your gas-powered vehicle. From maintenance steps to driving habits, you can do a lot to improve your current vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

Here are five ways to save gas and money this summer:

1. Give up aggressive driving. We’re all guilty of the occasional horn honk or rude gesture when another motorist annoys us – or does something outright dangerous. But beyond being a display of bad manners, aggressive driving can cost money. Fuel efficiency dips when you speed, accelerate rapidly and brake hard. Speeding is like adding about 24 cents per gallon to the per-gallon cost of gas for every 5 mph you drive over 60 mph, according to

2. Use the right grade of fuel for your car. On average, premium fuel can cost 10 to 20 cents more per gallon than plain old regular. Unless your vehicle has a high-performance engine, there’s typically no benefit to using premium gas; it won’t increase the fuel efficiency of a car that can run just fine on regular.

3. Reduce drag. Under-inflated tires, rooftop equipment and extra weight in the trunk all create drag, which can affect a vehicle’s gas consumption. The Department of Energy says carrying an extra 100 pounds in your vehicle can shave up to 2 percent off your car’s miles per gallon.

4. Use technology. Your vehicle’s cruise control can maintain a more consistent highway speed than you can with your foot on the gas pedal. Use cruise control for highway driving whenever possible. And driving around lost is a sure-fire gas waster, so before you leave the house, plot your trip using one of the many technologies available for this purpose – from smart phone apps and mapping websites to portable global positioning systems. You can also find websites that track the cost of gas in your community, so you can be sure to get the cheapest gas available.

5. Clean up your car. says a clean car is more aerodynamic than a dirty one, so get your car washed. Next, make sure all filters are clean and new – especially the air filter. And while you’re changing the oil filter, change the oil as well. A well-maintained car will be more fuel efficient.

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